How much do you know about animals?

6 images of different animals

Did You Know?

  • Some species of birds are known to be more faithful to their companions than humans. For example, 95% of swan couples stay together for life, while the divorce rate in Europe is approximately 39%.
  • Squirrels use the position of stars to bury nuts.
  • Pigeons use low-frequency radio waves to orient themselves and navigate.
  • Fish “sing” together and create choruses underwater.
  • Rhinos use their breathing to communicate with each other, similar to morse code. Cows communicate by changing their facial expressions.

Test your knowledge by taking this short quiz!

Scientists estimate that there are approximately 8.7 million species of animals on our planet. It's impossible to cover all the amazing facts we know about non-human animals, but by taking this quiz you will hopefully find out a little bit more.

There are 8 questions in total. After selecting your answer you will get some feedback and further info before moving on to the next question.

Have fun and make sure to share compassion with every living being on Earth.

A sheep, a mouse, a horse and a cat

1. Which of these animals can differentiate between humans when shown two photographs?

A human and an ant

2. Which of these animals can coordinate construction, reproduction, resource gathering, and war using a complex language?

A buffalo, a human, a treeshrew and a mouse

3. Which of these mammals has the largest brain to body mass ratio?

A cat, an octopus, a dolphin and a dog

4. Which animal is thought to have a short term memory about 20 times as long as a human?

A cow, a human and an elephant

5. Which of these mourn the loss of a loved one?

A dog, a monkey, a rhino and a dolphin

6. Which of these animals have names for each other?

A crocodile, a chicken, a polar bear and a tiger

7. Which animal talks to their unborn babies?

8. Look at the marker on this map. Which animal lives only in that location?